
Category: Articles--Archaeology [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Archaeology in the Northern Mariana Islands: An Overview 
Volume: 95(1) 
Year: 1986 
ISSN: 0032-4000 
Call No: DU1 .P6 
Pigs in Micronesia: Introduction or Re-Introduction by the Europeans? 
Volume: 2 
Year: 1986 
ISSN: 0911-3533 
Call No: GN662 .M37 
Geologic Sources and Geographic Distribution of Sand Tempers in Prehistoric Potsherds from the Mariana Islands 
Volume: 16(8) 
Year: 2001 
ISSN: 0883-6353 
Call No: CC77.5 .G46 
Archaeology in Micronesia Since 1965: Past Achievements and Future Prospects 
Volume: 10 
Year: 1988 
ISSN: 0110-540X 
Call No: DU416 .N33 
Ancient Stone Ruins Surpassing Stonehenge Found on Pacific Island 
Series: Guam Recorder 
Call No: DU647 .A23 
From Notes on Saipan 
Volume: 2(16) 
Year: 1925 
Series: Guam Recorder 
Call No: DU647 .A23 
The "Latte" What are They? 
Volume: 18(1) 
Year: 1941 
Series: Guam Recorder 
Call No: DU647 .A23 
The Coral Tombstones of the Marianas 
Volume: 2 
Year: 1926 
Series: Guam Recorder 
Call No: DU647 .A23 
Archaeological Survey of Saipan Island, Mariana Group Part 1: Nafutan Site 
Volume: 3 
Year: 1950 
ISSN: 0195-6337 
Call No: E78.N6 A74 
Non-Recent Chamorroan Stone and Pottery Implements on a Mariana Island 
Volume: 13 
Year: 1945 
ISSN: 0195-6337 
Call No: E78.N6 A74