
Publisher: AB Business Management and Consulting Services [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Inland Latte Villages of Eastern Rota: Archaeological Investigations of the Dugi/Gampapa and E-Chenchon/As Nieves Agriculture Homestead Subdivisions Island of Rota CNMI - PART 1 
Volume: 1 
Year: 1996 
Call No: R-96-P (1 of 2)
Archaeological Inventory Survey of the Kagman / Unai Alaihai Village Homestead Subdivision Saipan, CNMI 
Year: 1991 
Archaeological Inventory Survey of the Kagman / Unai Alaihai Village Homestead Subdivision, Saipan, CNMI 
Year: 1992 
Archaeological Data Recovery at Akitsu Shoji's Residence in San Roque, Saipan CNMI 
Edition: June 
Year: 1996 
Archaeological Data Recovery at Akitsu Shoji's Residence in San Roque, Saipan CNMI 
Edition: March 
Year: 1996 
Inland Latte Villages of Eastern Rota: Archaeological Investigations of the Dugi/Gampapa and E-Chenchon/ As Nieves Agricultural Homestead Subdivisions Island of Rota, CNMI 
Edition: Draft 
Year: 1996 
Call No: R-96-P (2 of 2)