
Category: Articles--Archaeology [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Prehistory in the Northwest Tropical Pacific: The Caroline, Mariana, and Marshall Islands 
Volume: 8(3) 
Year: 1994 
ISSN: 0892-7537 
Call No: GN700 .J68 
Multi-Regional Contacts of Prehistoric Fais Islanders in Micronesia 
Volume: 15 
Year: 1996 
ISSN: 0156-1316 
Call No: GN871 .B85 
Archaeological Evidence of a Prehistoric Farming Technique on Guam 
Volume: 38(1) 
Year: 2005 
ISSN: 0026-279X 
Series: Micronesica 
Call No: QH198.M48 M53 
Sex and Geographic Differences in Health of the Early Inhabitants of the Mariana Islands 
Volume: 55(1) 
Year: 2016 
ISSN: 0066-8435 
Call No: DS514 .A78 
Occipital Peri-Asterionic Superstructures on Crania of Mariana Islanders 
Year: 1995 
Call No: H-8 
Early Prehistoric Settlement in the Mariana Islands: New Evidence from Saipan 
Year: 1993 
Call No: B-4 
Mortuary Practices and Social Complexity in Micronesia: Problems and Prospects of an Emerging Archaeological Database 
Toward an Explanation of Diversity in Latte Phase Burials on Guam 
Year: 1995 
Commentary: What Lapita is and What Lapita Isn't 
Volume: 63(240) 
Year: 1989 
ISSN: 0003-598X 
Series: Antiquity 
Call No: GN1 .A64 
Geographically Restricted Patterning of Cranial Superstructures Among Pacific Islanders 
Year: 1995 
Call No: H-7