
Author: Darlene R. Moore [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The Archaeology of Songsong Village, Rota, Northern Mariana islands 
Year: 1990 
Report on an Archaeological Survey of the MPLC Homestead Area, Tinian Island, CNMI 
Year: 1987 
Archaeological Survey of the Paupau Resort Project Marpi, Saipan 
Year: 1997 
Mochong Area Resort Community Rota, CNMI - Environmental Assessment - Part 4: Known Prehistoric and Historic Sites 
Year: 1989 
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Airport Expansion Area at the Rota International Airport, Rota Island, CNMI 
Edition: Final 
Year: 1995 
Report on a Survey of Latte Sites in the Magpo Valley, Tinian, CNMI 
Year: 1987 
An Archaeological Survey in the Kagman Watershed, Saipan 
Year: 1993 
Preliminary Archaeological Assessment of the Proposed Kagman Golf Course Project Area 
Year: 1990 
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Airport Expansion Area at the Rota International Airport, Rota Island, CNMI 
Edition: Draft Final 
Year: 1995 
Report of Phase II Archaeological Survey and Testing at the Proposed Voice of America Relay Station Site Within the Area A, Tinian Island, CNMI 
Edition: Draft 
Year: 1996