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  Title Copies
Cultural Resource Survey and Documentary Archival Research for the U.S. Military Lease Area, Tinian, CNMI (Contract No. N62742-97-D-3511, Task Order 0005) 
Edition: Research Design 
Year: 2000 
Cultural Resources Investigation of Route 202 Island of Tinian 
Call No: T-13-S(1 of 1) 
DFS Saipan, Ltd. Main Garapan Store Expansion Archaeological Mitigation Program Phases II and III Data Recovery and Monitoring, Island of Saipan, CNMI 
Year: 1993 
Land Tenure Patterns in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Parts I - VI) 
Year: 1958 
Call No: HD1265.M5 P3 
Report of Phase II Archaeological Survey and Testing at the Proposed Voice of America Relay Station Site Within the Area A, Tinian Island, CNMI 
Edition: Draft 
Year: 1996 
Testing and Data Recovery to Repatriate WWII Human Remains at LOT 022B77, Tanapag, Saipan 
Edition: Draft 
Year: 2016 
1990 Census of Population and Housing Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics, CNMI 
Year: 1992 
A New Voyage Round the World 
Year: 1968 
Call No: G420 .D3 1968 
A Seventeenth Century Letter from the Island of Rota 
Volume: 14916 
Year: 1940 
Series: Guam Recorder 
Call No: DU647 .A23 
Additional Phase I Archaeological Inventory and Phase II Archaeological Inventory Survey in the Military Lease Area (MLA) - (Contract No. N62742-93-D-0502 - Delivery Order No. 001) 
Edition: Prefinal 
Year: 1995