Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
A Proposal for Archaeological Survey I Koridat to Punan As Fani
Paul H. Rosendahl, Ph.D., Inc. |
Other |
1 |
A Proposal for Archaeological Survey, Mapping, and Nomination of Bapot Latte Site, Laulau, Saipan RFP04.DCCA.0019, Island of Saipan, CNMI
Saipan Archaeology |
Other |
1 |
A Protocol for Scoring Three Posterior Cranial Superstructures which Reach Remarkable Size in Ancient Mariana Islanders
University of Guam |
Journals |
3 |
A Reconnaissance Marine Survey of the Mochong - As Matmos Coastal Area of Rota in the Mariana Islands
University of Guam Marine Laboratory |
Other |
1 |
A Reconnaissance Survey of the Ylig Point Site
University of Guam Herbarium |
Other |
1 |
A Renaissance in Carolinian-Marianas Voyaging
Polynesian Society |
Journals |
1 |
A Report of a Survey and Test Excavation Undertaken in the Agingan Area of Saipan, CNMI
Other |
1 |
A Report of Archaeological Investigations Conducted in Oleai Village, Saipan
Other |
1 |
A Report of Archaeological Investigations conducted in Oleai Village, Saipan, C.M.
Other |
1 |
A Report on the Mariana Islands: Madrid 1828
Micronesian Area Research Center |
Books |
1 |