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  Title Copies
The Report of an Archaeological Survey of the U.S. Air Force PACBAR III Radar Site in the Sabanan Lipiog and Laderan Tanke Areas, Saipan, C.M. 
Year: 1985 
Chemical Character and Sourcing of Marianas Stone Artifact 
From Company Town to Capital Village - A Brief History of Chalan Kanoa, Saipan, CNMI 
Year: 2017 
The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating; Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings 
Year: 1995 
ISBN: 0160480312 
Book Excerpts related to Germany in the Pacific 
Call No: Missing? 
LAULAU: Its History and Historic Resources 
Year: 1987 
French Accounts of Visits to the Marianas (1708 - 1772): A Survey 
Year: 1995 
Luis De Torres and the Carolinian Communities of Guam and Tinian (1788 - 1848) 
Duty Free Shoppers Osteological Analyses 
Edition: Draft 
Coastal Resource Management Permit Application - Proposed Kagman IV Village Homestead Subdivision Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands 
Year: 2002