Title |
Authors/Editors |
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Copies |
Prehistoric Skeletal Biology in Island Ecosystems: Current Status of Bioarchaeological Research in the Marianas Archipelago
Journals |
1 |
Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey for the Proposed Marpo Heights Waterline Replacement, Project Number W22-100 (M-98T47823), Marpo Heights, Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Other |
1 |
A Land Use History of the Proposed Aqua-Marine Project Area, Garapan Village, Saipan, CNMI
Books |
1 |
U.S. WWII Intelligence in Guam and Micronesia: Unanswered Questions
Other |
1 |
Continuity of Local Political Institutions in the Marianas
Other |
1 |
Report of the Excavation of a Mass Human Burial In Afetna, Saipan, Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Other |
1 |
A Brief Account of the Saipan Mission: From the Departure of the German Capuchin Priests in 1914 until the Capture of the island by the Americans in 1944
Other |
1 |
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands - Land Management Conference
Books |
1 |
A Report of Archaeological Investigations conducted in Oleai Village, Saipan, C.M.
Other |
1 |
Geologic Sources and Geographic Distribution of Sand Tempers in Prehistoric Potsherds from the Mariana Islands
Journals |
1 |