Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
A Seventeenth Century Letter from the Island of Rota
Journals |
1 |
A Study of Early Marianas Islanders: The Skeletons Under Their Skins
University of Otago |
Other |
1 |
A Study of Human Skeletal Remains from Three Sites in the Northern Mariana Islands - A Report to the Historic Preservation Office Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Other |
1 |
A Study of Potential Traditional Cultural Properties on Tinian
TEC Joint Venture |
Other |
1 |
A Study of Urban Morphology of Japanese Colonial Towns in Nan'yo Gunto: Part 1 Garapan, Tinian and Chalan Kanoa in Northern Marianas
Architectural Institute of Japan |
Journals |
1 |
A Study on Carolinian Medicinal Plants on Ma
CNMI Coastal Resources Management Program |
Books |
1 |
A Study on Carolinian Medicinal Plants on Managaha Island
Books |
1 |
A Survey of State Statutes Protecting Archeological Resources
National Trust for Historic Preservation |
Books |
1 |
A Typological Investigation of Western Micronesian Adzes
California State University |
Books |
1 |
A Voice from home: Maine resident was Saipan Ann to Gis in WWII
Bangor Publishing Company |
Other |
1 |